Our Mission
To create long-term food security for Calgary and surrounding communities by taking a local, integrated and dignity-based approach to addressing issues of equitable food access.
Most Calgarians are aware of food system challenges faced by families in need and by the charities that serve them, but may not be so aware of the challenges faced by the people producing, processing and supplying that food.
We’re working to ensure that producers and farmers are secure and stable enough to supply the nutritious food that communities need.
Here’s how:

We provide bridge funding so local producers can compete with global players in our marketplaces and consumers can afford to buy fresh local produce.
We connect local food producers and growers with the city’s not-for-profit organizations, opening a stable new source of revenue for producers and reliable sourcing for the groups that support our most vulnerable citizens.
Finally, we work to ensure the stable availability of affordable, locally produced, and easily accessible food for everyone in the Calgary community.
Did you know?
78% of Calgarians say they would like to buy food grown locally.
Getting stocked at a big-chain grocery store can cost a local producer anywhere from $40,000 for certifications, new safety protocols, and other regulations.
11.6% of Calgarians experience food insecurity.